Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Get it?

eh?  ehhhhhhh?  Bad joke I know, but I was out last week with my sister and we took a walk through the marsh and I just had to do this.

Sorry by the by for no update last week, I was really in over my head with work.  And this week has been somewhat the same, so this picture is all you get.  Okay, no that's not true.  I'll also give you this: a picture I took of the moon with my new 35x optical zoom camera!

check it out!  You can actually see the CRATERS n stuff!  Sorry but I just think that's ridiculously cool that my camera can zoom in far enough to get this kind of detail on the moon.  Also, this picture has been further zoomed in digitally, so you can see the craters more easily, which is why it's a little more pixely.  But this is still pretty cool that I could get such detail on the moon!

K, sorry that's all I got for updates this week.  Hopefully I'll get a chance to work on things soon.  I've been pretty busy getting things all set up and installed on my new computer.  But once it is, I'll be able to finally do some proper animating and stuff without my computer crashing all the time for loss of memory!  Huzzah!


Unknown said...

Ha ha! Now I am jealous my last name isn't "Lake" or "Tree" or something.

That is a pretty schnazzy picture of the moon!

Unknown said...

Lol, weird how the moon is pretty much faded away to the left. That's so cool!

Matticus said...

The moon, she's so beautiful!