Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pictures Section

posting a picture of a quote instead of just posting the stupid quote, apparently it's really in right now.  Share if you agree! (as per standard picture quote regulations)
Ever see these plastered all over facebook and google+?  I always wondered why this fad suddenly popped up.  And I don't mean when people post a quote on top of an image that illustrates the point, but when they simply post a totally unnecessary nature photo or something alongside it.  Just post the quote, okay?  Those quotes are usually really sappy anyway, but the background just makes me roll my eyes even more.

Truth be told, I have a hard time taking you people seriously.

Now, if you are one of my friends who does this, I love you, you're wonderful, but friends don't let friends do bad picture posts.  It's ... it's just in poor taste, I don't know what else to say.

In other news, in case you've been waiting and wondering, I will post the rest of those pictures from my trip to Calgary (got some REALLY beautiful shots), but I've held off because I've been getting the remainder of my pastoral year assignments completed, and after this weekend I should have a chance to post and I hope to make some new animations too.

In other, other news, I am thinking of adding a "pictures" section to my blog, since I've been posting so many pics of things, and artwork, and memes, and whatnot.  So I'll eventually dump everything from my blog posts there so you can browse through them if you so please.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1 in Calgary

Just to share with all of you some of the awesome Calgary experiences so far, I thought I'd share some pics I've taken since we arrived.  Well, actually, first I'd like to show you some pictures we took on the plane, which I decided to memify, because really, what were they thinking when they made those airplane safety manuals?

Nuff said.
Once we arrived in Calgary, we made a few quick stops and then headed off to Banff!  Or rather, as far as Canmore since Banff would have been too crowded.  So we got to see the rockies, which were incredible!  However, I also had the rather unfortunate incident of having my phone stolen due to my foolishness in putting down my phone so I could take a slo-mo vid of Keith and I giving each other a high five.  So after suspending my phone account, changing all my account passwords, and calling the police, we managed to take in some more sight seeing and get some more good pictures.  Here's a sampling:

and as an added bonus, this prairie dog showed up and I caught a pic of him, standing like a soldier!

fun times... and more to come!  Tomorrow we will be going to the fancy iron chef restaurant, so I shall keep you all abreast of those delicious happenings!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I hear that the two biggest things people search for on the net are cats and bacon.  I've already posted a bunch about bacon, and that hasn't worked, so here you go internet, IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT!?!?!?!

Incidentally yes, this is also an excuse for the fact that I have not posted any animation/game updates this week either.  What I will give you instead, in addition to this amazing dancing cat (which has surely won your heart despite being an ancient, overused cat gif), I shall be posting about my trip to Calgary which begins tomorrow!

Yep, my good friend and fellow seminarian (ex-seminarian now), Deacon Cristino Bouvette, is being ordained a priest... in Calgary.  Incidentally this means that to Calgary I shall go, and as a bonus I will take in the sights of awesomeness which I have yet to ever experience.  Yes, I think that Calgary will be greater than cats (the feline, or the musical).  And as I am sure that this cat has thoroughly disoriented you and you have several times lost your place reading because you keep looking at the cat and wishing it would just stop, I will stop writing so you can re-gather your bearings.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Renewal! Can I get some high fives over here?

Got back this weekend from the annual Renewal Ministries gathering in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and it was FAN-TAS-TIC.  Just sayin'.  The Lord did some awesome things with me there and I'm rearing and ready to go to do God's work!

I also attended there an event for a new group that they're starting called, "i.d. 916", which is a sort of youth program which intends to help equip young adults to gather and discern how God is calling them to evangelize.  It seemed like a pretty neat idea, so I was telling one of the guys there about Team Orthodoxy, (for which I contribute currently with my weekly Gospel reflections).  I sent a message afterward to Chris to let him know I was plugging Team Orthodoxy at the Renewal Ministries event, and he replied with, "SICK!!!"  Then later I left a message on his answering machine with the line in the picture you see above.  Heh, fun times.  Anyhow, I'm all revved up now and I've been thinking as well in what other ways I might be able to use my website to continue to have fun as a hobby and animate and draw and stuff, but also to draw others to Christ.  So, all ye who read the Slightly Orange News, might ye care to weigh in on this?  Opinions?  Suggestions?  Recommendations?  Offerings?  Spam?

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Get it?

eh?  ehhhhhhh?  Bad joke I know, but I was out last week with my sister and we took a walk through the marsh and I just had to do this.