Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sassy Fish

In celebration of my fancy new tablet and my fancy new paint program, I have made a fancy painting!

When I said I was going to do this, Jen said I must draw/paint a sassy fish with a top hat.  I spent a lot of time testing out various tools and brushes and preliminary sketches and my previous fish looked like garbage, but I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out.  I decided to stick with wet oils.  Much to explore with this program, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

By the way, for anyone interested, I painted this in Corel Painter 12.

Anyhow, this is your update for the week.  Enjoy!

New Drawing Tablet!

Remember tablets before tablets?  That's right, prior to the iPad, a tablet meant pretty much the Wacom product line, which were these USB connected slates and you had a special pen you would use to draw with, and it would translate this info to your computer.  Well they still make them, and they're still super awesome, 'cause it's hard to do precise art drawing with your finger.  Not everything is about finger painting.  Well, I got a brand new Wacom Intuos4 drawing tablet for Christmas and some really great painting software that I'm quite eager to try out.  Problem is, the CD for some reason isn't working, so I'm downloading all the drivers which is evidently taking way way WAY too long.

Short of it is, I don't think I'll be able to produce something tonight to have an update by Tuesday like I usually do.  However, I will do something ON Tuesday, so if you're patient, come back later today and you'll see another blog post with hopefully some new art (Jen has asked me to make a sassy fish with a top hat).

So tune in later!  Sorry for the wait, but it's good to learn patience.  So consider this my Christmas gift to you.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Slightly Orange is Social Media Compliant!

In addition to updating Unfettered Discord this week, I have integrated Slightly Orange with Facebook and Google+!!!  (No, not twitter yet).

Now you can "like" or "+1" any of my site's content.  Underneath every animation and game screen, you can find these buttons and feel most free to click them with reckless abandon!

I'm hoping that this will create another venue in which my site's content can be shared around, and maybe increase the fanbase (especially since after my long haitus I lost a lot of people who were posting commands on Caveman Dan).  So spread the love!

Oh, and you may also notice that on THIS page (to the right of the blog) I also have linked in official Google+ and Facebook "Slightly Orange" pages.  It's just one other way of spreading around my site.  Still not totally sure what to do with those pages, but who knows, maybe things will work out.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Keeping your site up to date FAIL

So I'm heading into Toronto this weekend to visit some friends, and I was taking a look at places to eat, and "The Stockyards" restaurant was suggested to me.  So I had a look at their website and clicked on their specials.

Sounds delicious eh?  "NAME OF ITEM"... ohhh, my mouth is watering.. let's see the description... "loriem ipsum sedament lorierm adulus..." okay, stop right there.  You had me at "loriem".

Feel free to check out the site for yourself:  http://www.thestockyards.ca/
Also notice that the pages on the site are fittingly titled: "Untitled Document".

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Week's "Tuesday Update"

Caveman Dan continues, right here.  What else?  Not much really... that uh... that about sums it up.  Keep posting commands though!  We definitely need more people than my sister to post commands on Caveman Dan!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Get your German on

.... because it's St. Nicolas day!!!!  (Please, if you aren't reading the title of this blog entry as part of the post, you best start now).  As per our German tradition, we celebrate the feast of St. Nicolas who supposedly wandered around to poor people's homes and left gifts for people in their shoes or something.  The part that I'm sure of is every year my parents would leave a bag for us to find outside the front door, filled with German goodies.  Namely, nuts, chocolates and lebkuchen (which is a crazy German cookie which I actually never liked), and ORANGES!  Clementines and the like, which come out this time of year and go on sale, were always my favourite.  We just called them "Christmas oranges" because we always found them in our St. Nicolas bag, and then again in our stockings on Christmas.  We celebrated Christmas about 3 times a year:  St. Nicolas' day, Christmas Eve, and then Christmas Morning.  You wish you were German (and also Canadian at the same time).  Mixed traditions are awesome.  Anyway, I bought myself a box of oranges to keep the dream alive.  Really, this has zero to do with the fact that my website is "slightly orange".  Just childhood memories.  I just always loved how the skin peeled off so easy and the oranges were so juicy and it just has become almost synonymous with Christmas for me.... or at least St. Nicolas day.

Oh, and if you're all, hey, what about the website update this week Steve?  Then you best be reading the previous post, because I posted twice today.

Delicious German Dinner

Seeing as I spent all day Monday cooking for seminarians (had my group from St. Peter's come over for dinner) I didn't get around to really doing anything this week, so as I was thinking of rouladin (a german meat dish I made for the meal), I was thinking of eating.  So, I made this guy who noms down a cookie.  I figured if I drew rouladin, nobody would have any idea except my family what the heck is going on here.  Cookies are topical.  Everybody gets it.  So, sorry, but this is the only update this week.

I find this very disappointing. I can do so much better. Whatevs.