Friday, March 12, 2010

Slightly Orange 2.0

Wow! Does anybody read this? Probably not!

But in the event that you do, I finally launched the new updated version of my slightly orange website!

I've been wanting to do this for so long, mostly because I wanted to have an all-in-one navigation/login bar at the bottom corner of the screen, so that I could slowly increase the available options for being logged into my website.

PHP: From weaksauce to burnsauce
To make these revisions was a massive pain in the butt though. My code was as ancient as my first baby steps in PHP when my knowledge of PHP consisted in reading other peoples' code. So it was messy, full of errors, and lacking in all the cool new things I've learned since I worked in Toronto and had far more hands on involvement in PHP.

Frames vs. CSS
I got rid of the frames. Oh man... the frames. Why did I ever use frames? Now that I've learned CSS I was able to revise things accordingly and get everything converted. So I've got a clean, error free (as far as I know) website now and so I can concentrate on content updates, particularly on getting back into the swing of doing Caveman Dan.

I also made a great little updates window that just opens in the top corner of the screen when you click "updates" in the navigation bar, showing the last few updates with links to said updates. I hope people make use of that because I update my content rather sporadically between the various pages I have going on, and the updates window will make it far easier to know what's been updates.

that's it! hope you all enjoy it!