Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Don't hate me

It's really hard to gage how people feel about my regular updates considering I have only about 3 people who will post responses to me on occasion.  Though, from the stats I read, it sounds like I have a good number of followers, it's just nobody actually INTERACTS with me.
So whether sometimes my "slow to update the games" tendency is something that is bothering people, I have no way of knowing really.  But... today I am slow to update the games, so sorry.

This, instead, is my gift to you this week... if you recall a certain "dignified horse" I once posted... well... this is COMPLETELY different, okay?  This is a rather dignified unicorn, which, as I am sure we can all agree, is something of a different nature entirely.  Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Totally different!!!!

Unknown said...
