I got into a bit of a debate lately with people who don't actually debate, but ignore the previously discussed information and continue to declare their correctness in the matter. Kind of like children saying, "nuh-uh!" and feeling satisfied that this is proof enough.
So I thought I'd share with you all a little bit about the Trinity, because I've been reading up more about it lately, and well, it's just so cool!!!
Okay, so God is three persons, but one God, right? What do these terms mean? A person is the individual substance (essence) of a rational nature. Okay well actually that's a bit of an insufficient explanation because it breaks down in some fundamental ways (I still need to learn more) But it'll do for now, since I'm speaking very simply. A human, for example, happens to be a type of being that is a person.
What is a being? Well anything that exists as a whole, essentially. A human, for instance, is a being, a dog is a being, a rock is a being, etc...
God is also a being. But has 3 persons. If it sounds like this makes no sense, consider that we know of beings that have no persons, such as a rock, and a being that has one person, such as people, and so we know beings and persons are not synonymous.
Furthermore, the Trinity (God) is a family, in and of Himself. This is how it can be that God is love itself. Think about it... how can God be love, unless He has someone to love? Because we surely didn't always exist, and so if God created us out of love, He could not have created us so that He MAY love, because that would make Him dependent on our existence for His essence.
So God is, in the 3 persons, the Lover, the Beloved, and the Fruit of that love. (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). That's why we are created in God's image! When we come together as a family, the parents are the lover and beloved, and the two become "ONE FLESH" (see Genesis 2:24, echoed also in Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:31, etc..) from which is produced a new life that came from the love of the couple—the child also physically made up partially of the parents. So the three, in the family, are reflecting one being, yet they are 3 persons!!! Doesn't that set your heart on fire???
...oh, and also, for those of you who may be at all like my so-called "debators", God does NOT have a sexual relationship with Himself. I thought it was a given that our families are a REFLECTION of God, but not a replication. *cough cough*
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