Monday, December 25, 2006

Incarnation - Crucifixion

What incredible mysteries of God's love, what an unfathomable gift and grace:

Think for a moment how phenomenal Christmas truly is.

First, out of great love, God creates us in His image. Out of Himself, He creates individual beings, separate people, to come together and meet in the family, to reflect the family that IS the Trinity. He who is relationally within Himself as Father, Mother and Child, creates individuals who are separate, to come together as "one flesh" (husband and wife) to give birth out of their love, who is then "flesh of my flesh". When we meet as family, we are closer to reflecting God than ever, while on earth. This alone is such a beautiful gift.

Second, out of great love, the Infinite, the Creator of everything, the Almighty, He who IS... He chooses to become like us. He chooses to make Himself one of us! We are naught but his creations! We are the ones who betray Him, who turn our backs to Him, who receive His love and then turn around and go about our days as though we don't need the One who is the very reason we exist and continue to exist. We're like a baby that says, "nuts to you, mom, I'm gonna get my own milk" as we lay there flailing and crying and thinking that when mom gives us the milk anyway that we're the ones who made it happen. God made himself one of us! Of course, He became one of us in all things but that disobedience. God chose to become a helpless child though... He chose to be obedient to His earthly parents, who are HIS creation! He made himself so low, that He took upon our flesh, our limitations. He was subject to time, to aging, to the struggles and hardships we go through. I cannot begin to describe how incredible this gift alone can be. Recalling that He is God, that He is infinite, perfect, omnipotent, existing outside of time, all these things, and yet His love is so great that He chose to take on our humanity from the very beginning of childhood, right into manhood, and continues to bear that humanity even now, resurrected. What a gift! For God to do this is already an infinite sacrifice. This was His first crucifixion. And what love there is in this sacrifice of the Incarnation.

Third, out of great love, as though it was not enough to share our life, hardships, and all things human (except sin), He gives His life in the crucifixion, dying for our sin so we may be born into new life in Him. Phenomenal how God is born like us so that in dying, we may be born like Him.

Merry Christmas.

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