G'morning all!
So I got to thinking, since my website seems to periodically become a breeding ground for tumbleweed, I had an idea to keep it going fresh and give you a reason to visit it regularly, instead of watching it for a while, then forgetting about it until I sneak up behind you and say,
and then you say
"AH! Don't sneak up on me like that!"
and then I'm all like,
"Sorry, that was not my intention"
and then you're all,
"It's okay, you just startled me"
and then I wonder,
"Hey, what's for dinner?"
I'd also like everyone to note that that last paragraph was one sentence.
get it? slightly orange tuesday updates! heh heh he.. h..... ugh... sorry.
So I'm going to reorganize my website a little, and set things up with a "Tuesday Updates" section, where every Tuesday I will update SOMETHING. What? That's a mystery! Maybe an animation, maybe one of my games, maybe some other new thingy thing, who knows!? But at least you'll have something new to look at on my website every Tuesday.
I think what I will probably do is post said updates to this blog (making it easier for people who do RSS feeds etc) and then you can always go back and see what you may have missed! I'm excited! And I'll run around and tell a bunch of you (since most of you who read this or view my site I know personally) and then I'll dedicate myself to some kind of update by every Tuesday
p.s. if you
actually read this post, can you please post a comment below, no matter how mundane? Maybe just write your name or something? I wanna know if anyone at this point actually reads this blog. Especially since I haven't updated in forever.