It's that time again! Though there were not as many costumes this year, good times were had, and I was pleased to go all out for what is likely my last opportunity to really dress up on Halloween.
So with out further ado, CHECK IT OUT!

Andrew and Nicole gut the ginormous pumpkin in hopes to find the hidden treasure! .... pumpkin guts!

You like pumpkin? Well? DO YOU!?!?!

Yes, that is correct, Nicole's head AND arm are actually in that pumpkin.

Wow, I.... I don't think I can say anything this picture doesn't say...

Nicole has never experienced such depth of pumpkin before

Nicole figured she could blast off if she got the angle right

One arm... one purpose.

Now if I can ... just... reach... my pop tarts...

He never speaks... yet "the king" says so much to our hearts...

Spider monkey contemplates the effects of grape crush applied to a stove burner


You'd think he'd be saying "eeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!"... But no. Still eerie silence.

"the king" is gentle to woodland creatures. Even those with rippling biceps and washboard abs.

Presenting: Pumpkincole! Pumkin hat-lid sold separately.

"Hey Paul, where are we going?"

"I don't know Nicole, but my pecs are flaring up again"

"No... it can't be... is it...?"

"Yes, I think it is. Also this pumpkin shell is tasty when you give it the chance"

"It's Wendy's! We're here!"

Nicole: way too excited to be going to Wendy's with "the king"

As a break from the usual, "the king" stares deeply into your soul.

Nicole thought it was good times.
Well there you go! That's it! Okay, I lie, there's actually a LOT more, but it seemed there were more videos taken than photos, so I'm gonna work on some editing and we shall have some delicious videos when I can get around to it. WITHHOLD YOUR EXCITEMENT!