Ah, Hallowe'en.
It's not that I decided to start my blog today because I have any particular affinity for Hallowe'en... but it was my first big opportunity to show of pictures of the incredible costume line and inventive ideas of my friends and their costumes this year.
So I declare this the first and probably second to last
COSTUME FANTASTICO 2006!!!(with handy picture descriptions! — you can click on them to see it bigger and stuff)
hats off from Jen, the "failed superhero who has turned to booze to drown her sorrows after being thrown out by the superfriends as an inadequate superhero"

Completely in character, we can see how distraught she is...

Paul, the elusive "spidermantalope" in his natural habitat

Decending to the basement of
terror, Steve, a.k.a "Vampire Santa" or "Santacula", is pursued by a mysterious haunted floating bicycle.... of

Would you care for a candy cane? It's made of mostly red and orange!

Vampire Santa asserts that his beer belly is superior

"GET INTO CHARACTER, JEN... or I'll bite off your protruding cheeks!"

Jamie, the "sexually confused Jason" enters the scene, hungry for... love?

Finally making an appearance with the spidermantalope and the superhero reject is Andrew as "Professor Scudworth" from Clone High, as also seen here below, donning the paper pirate hat

"For what is more powerful, than a HIGHSCHOOL

Group photo...
unsure why Scudworth is wearing lipstick?

Award for best group photo goofy expression goes to sexually confused Jason

Oh... and Jason (real name) is also here, in his magnificent costume of... sorry what? "The really annoying guy at parties"??? Well, you have a voice modulator, so we'll let you get away with it.

Don't look at that man behind the curtains! ... I mean, the beard behind the other beard...


"I go to the submarine sandwich restaurant, and I leave my submarine sandwich restaurant value card at home,
time..... I want.... a free sandwich!"

Hi ladies!

Award for most frightening costume goes to: the spidermantalope!

Don that superhero underwear with pride!

*glug glug* "Yeah I'yyl shuwwum whadda PMSn shupur hero kin do... "

"Pleased to make your aquaintance"

You got a little somethin' in there...

Enough said.

Seriously man, how about reviewing your LIPSTICK!

Ashamed to be seen without the mask in his true element

This year, Koro decided to dress up as a bird

The superhero reject looks like she might need that beer back shortly

"I left the upper half of my face back there"

"... just like so and TAH DAHHH... Now my right arm has completely vanished!"

Kisses from Scudworth. Scudworth likes your style.

"Hang on, I think I hear something... What's that? It's an awesome groove?"

Vampire Santa wasn't loved as a child... Also, he was dropped and stuff...

"Hark, my antler sense is tingling!"

"You took a picture of me coming out of the bathroom? I have just decided—you no longer get to live."

Scudworth tries to get better reception, the annoying guy at parties tries moreso to be cool than to be annoying, and the spidermantalope loses a left limb to sexually confused Jason

"For the last time, give me back my stormtrooper bendable action figure"

Sexually confused Jason appears to be so confused, he contemplates marrying the spidermantalope. Confused or not, I think that might be cross species, though I'm still unclear what a spidermantalope is.

"Ah-ha! It was me, Jason, all along!"
"Huh... sorry? I can't hear you over the candy I ate"

"Come on little boy... sit on Santacula's lap and tell him what you want"

"Your very own machete? Of course, here you go, there's no reason to cry!"

"I love you Jason!"

"I want a pony, and a set of ninja turtles, and a Scudworth's face implanted by the sole of my shoe"

"...and in time, therefore, we'll see that all men will start to wear lipstick, so I think of myself as a pioneer"

The superhero reject, activating her PMS powers, has entered her needy stage as we see her longing for her bottle like a baby would. Santacula is just shocked that now you can get beer with all the taste and just half the calories.

"Yayyy!!! It's just what I wanted!"


Santacula has had just about enough of your sass!

A picture is worth a thousand words, eh?


For the cover of "People" magazine

Supporting the Canadian economy

Representing some kind of dead hippy celebrity...


Bertha, the boxing nun, promotes issues like the value of life and the role of women and men in the church, by delivering a hefty blow of doctrinal smackdown to sexually confused Jason

Bertha: 1 — Jason: 0

Omar, as Clark Kent has arrived!

"*gasp!* Someone's in distress!"

Superhero reject reacts in rage at the sight of the man who gave the tidebreaking vote to kick her off the team. Clark Kent is certain that his chest can bear the brunt of any attack.

To close a wonderful evening, sexually confused Jason and Scudworth enjoy a lovely midnight stroll, hand in hand.