Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am SO gonna make you blah blah blah

I've always loved the "Tales of ..." series of videogames.  And I've been meaning to record this for a long time, but I discovered that in one of the games, they made it possible to ridiculously overpower one of the characters.  And I mean, so much so, that it makes a joke out of the biggest battle of the game (a 1 on 200 non-stop melee, when normally you fight 4 on 4 or so).

That, and, by doing so, you get one of the most hilarious combinations of phrases that your character says.  If you watch this, keep your eye on the time counter and the kill counter in the top right.  Notice that they give you 35 minutes to complete the 200-man melee, and I finish in a minute and a half.  And no, it takes zero skill.


As for an update this week (and I don't mean this YouTube upload), I have updated Unfettered Discord, and in fact, during this week, I may update it a few more times, because this current command is going to spark a few "continues".

THE END! (of post)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

This is just crazy.... I just like her "scary" incantation. :p