Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Delayed Update

Sorry guys, but this week's update will be a little delayed (you may have to wait till next week) but with good cause.  I am working on a Caveman Dan update which I have been planning on for a LOOONG time, but have shelved it a number of times due to some trepidation in animating fire.  But I think I've nailed it... at least as much as I'd like.  However, there's still some work to be done, because I was delayed....

....the cause of my delay, more importantly, is this!  I present to you, the situation:  That's it... right here.  I invited Chris and Julie over (yes, the ones from the Ninja Turtles wedding video) for a bacon-tastic time, since they truly appreciate the culinary prowess.  So I took a stab at making one of those bacon-log type dealies, only I made it with ground beef, and added my own toppings.  As you can't see very well, I have some fried bacon chunks as well as sauteed onions on top of the beef, and then I added me some cheese.
 That's right... THERE's the cheese.


it's at this point I decided this was the "bacon cheeseburger log.

Then, I added some barbeque sauce.  Diana's honey barbeque to be exact.

Then I rolled up the beef, and then wrapped the bacon weave around it...

Barbequed and ready to serve!

It was definitely something to behold!

And then we sliced in and the three of us ate the WHOLE THING!  That's right.  Delicious!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Super busyman times

Well, things have been super busy this week, so I did not have the time to invest in a thorough update.  But as I said, by every Tuesday, SOMETHING would be updated on my site, and this week, it's my blog with a little sketch of a rather dignified horse with a glass of champagne!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How these updates are gonna work from now on...

First of all, yes, there's an update, and it's a song about a shark that I nabbed off songstowearpantsto.com, which is incidentally my favourite mostly-free song website.  I'll link the animation below.

What I wanted to mention is this... Slightly Orange Tuesday Updates... do not actually happen on Tuesdays.

...in truth, they never have.  They've always occurred before Tuesday at some point, I just only blog about it on Tuesday... and that's how I'm gonna keep doing it.  So, just in case you happen to go on my website earlier in the week, see an update, and then notice later my blog posting the latest update which you already saw a few days ago, don't be all like, "hey, that's not a new update!  I already saw it!" ... you just got a jump on the week, that's all.  It's still new material since the last Tuesday.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say about that ... now enjoy a Mechanical Shark

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

We're All Doomed

So I just read that tech has been developed for invisibility.  Apparently there's these little nano-dealies that can heat up really quick and copy a similar effect of redirecting light that happens in mirages. 

You heard me right, we can now make junk invisible, and it's for real. Congratulations humanity, now we are all doomed.

It's just one stop before we make all weapons and fighter planes and tanks and really angry dogs invisible, and then anybody and their favourite pooch can surprise attack and kill any of us.  Then we'll have invisible nukes which will land 5 feet from you while you're humming showtunes and you won't know it until firey death ensues.  Thanks for comin' out, hope you enjoyed your life.

Maybe you'll be in the park enjoying a nice sunny day, when all of a sudden, you're being eaten by an bear.  And when the ranger comes in to tranq Yogi, he won't be able to find him anywhere, because he's invisible.... and he's right... BEHIND YOU!  Sorry Mr. Ranger, you can thank science for making invisibility possible, and now the tech's in the hands of bears.  Kiss your quiet days goodbye and huddle in a corner with your shotgun in fear.

And just so nobody thinks I'm making this up, here's the video that was posted to show the easy "on and off" switching of making these nano things invisible.  And no, it doesn't have to be in water.  They say it works best in water, but it works on land too.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011